Eight Pieces: 1. Reach to the Sky


This movement subtly stretches the whole body from head to foot.

Key Positions

Do and Don’t

  • DO breathe out when you expand and breathe in when you come to the starting position.
  • DO pull back with the fingers and push with the palms as you reach up, to create a gentle stretch on the wrists and forearms.
  • DO try to make sure your arms are lifted vertically above your head.
  • DON’T allow your shoulders to rise up as you lift your hands – keep relaxing!
  • DON’T worry if your arms do not entirely straighten, or your wrists can’t entirely face the ceiling. Perform the exercises to your own ability and to the extent that it gently stretches you, and over time you should become more flexible.


This movement engages the stomach meridian that runs from the head down the torso and down the leg to the toes.


Visualise that each time you stretch you place the palms up against the sky above you, while your feet push down into the ground, the whole body lengthening. 

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