White Tiger Strikes Five Points

Martial Movement

A short but powerful martial sequence, learning the use of multi-directional elbow strikes.

Enjoy the benefits of White Tiger Strikes Five Points form


This form focuses on using the waist to generate power and develops strength and flexibility in the middle of the body.


Learn basic but powerful strikes, using the whole body to create power.


Learn to aim your strikes accurately in different stances to various targets both in front and behind you.

Martial Basics

These basic movements are a great introduction to martial techniques and do not require any prior knowledge.

Easy to remember and to practise, this set of strikes can be done against an imaginary opponent or with a partner holding a strike pad.

Fast Progress

Experienced teachers will take you through the exercises step by step.
Video instruction and text pointers with clear advice make things easy to learn.

You will need space to take one step and a strike pad to practise with a partner.

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