8 Pieces of Silk Brocade


Improve your health and well-being through the gentle movements of this wonderful 1000-year old series of Qigong exercises.

Enjoy the benefits of the Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade


Better balance, greater flexibility and coordination are just some of the effects of regularly practising this set, according to a recent report published in the National Library of Medicine.


The Eight Pieces set helps with sleep quality and the body’s ability to rest. 


It is also a great way to start the day to help wake up the body.

Simple movements

Eight easy to follow exercises that provide a lifetime of joy and many amazing health benefits

Through regular practise you will begin to feel more energised and rejuvenated with every repetition!

Clear instruction

Follow experienced teachers as they take you through the exercises step by step.

Video instruction and illustrations with clear advice make things easy to learn.

Sign up now to learn the details of this set with over 2 hours worth of video and lots of supporting material!